Fire Escape Plan Winners
Each year during Fire Prevention Month, the first and second graders of Minooka Elementary and Aux Sable Schools participate in our E.D.I.T.H. (Exit Drills In The Home) Fire Escape Plan contest. The first place winners come to the fire house to have breakfast, then ride to school in style in one of our fire engines. The winner’s class receives a pizza party. Congratulations to this year’s winners!
Minooka Elementary School (1st grade)
1st place Austin E. (Mrs. Weimer)
2nd place Gavin M. (Ms. Caragol)
3rd place Lexi S. (Ms. Hoessler)
Honorable Mention Kollen W. (Ms. Caragol)
Honorable Mention Mia B. (Ms. Caragol)
Minooka Elementary School (2nd grade)
1st place Jane K. (Mrs. Skowronski)
2nd place Carter R. (Ms. Mason)
3rd place Logan D. (Mrs. Valladolid)
Honorable Mention Reese R. (Ms. Mason)
Honorable Mention Bennett R. (Mrs. Valladolid)
Aux Sable School (1st grade)
1st place Kennedy T. (Ms. Schluntz)
2nd place Belle S. (Mrs. Swanson)
3rd place Kam P. (Ms. Schluntz)
Honorable Mention Gabby R. (Mrs. Swanson)
Honorable Mention Olivia G. (Mrs. Schwark)
Aux Sable School (2nd grade)
1st place Ryann O. (Ms. Dziedzinskij)
2nd place Zoe F. (Mrs. Hwang)
3rd place Aidan E. (Mrs. Strein)
Honorable Mention Madison C. (Mrs. Lara)
Honorable Mention Jessica B. (Mrs. Strein)

Austin E.
1st Grade
Minooka Elementary

Jane K.
2nd Grade
Minooka Elementary

Kennedy T.
1st Grade
Aux Sable

Ryann O.
2nd Grade
Aux Sable